
The daily life of a girl who loves glitter, gothic and glamour!

Monday 31 December 2012

For the sake of Auld Lang Syne

Well here we are on the cusp of a brand new year, mistakes made, lessons learned and hopefully a little wiser.

I have a few resolutions for the coming year but they all have a theme.....

~ To live more simply ~

To waste less - Time, money and things.

We as a household waste a lot of food, and this is costing us a lot of money.

I want to shop more at second hand stores and get back to finding something unique before buying new things.

I also waste a lot of time online, either Facebook or games on my phone. I plan to delete all the apps from my phone so that if I want to use them, I'll have to get my laptop out which will put me off! I also find Facebook in particular a very negative place and I don't really want to find myself feeling that way all the time. So out they go!

Plan more - Organising my time, planning nice things to do and organising the house so I spend less time looking for things and getting stressed.

I think this is something Aaron would benefit from too, never too young to start good habits. We have already planned a movie list which we will work our way through but also I want to plan a monthly trip to London to visit a museum or garden or similar.

Read more - As a child I would spend hours reading, and somewhere along the way I now hardly read at all, I think it would be good for my soul. I have a library card so I'll try to get books free there and free on my kindle before buying.

Craft more - Not only do I enjoy it, but it falls in the live simply category as well. Up cycling things I already own to make them new and fresh, seeing if I can make something before buying. Craft more with Aaron as he loves art.

Health and Exercise - Accept my body for what it is and concentrate my efforts on being healthy and strong, if I lose weight as a part of that then so be it, but weight loss won't be my only goal. Get rid of clothes I've been hanging onto " when I lose weight" it's just a reminder of failure.

To stress less - I'm hoping that by living a simpler life, there will be a little less stress but I'd love to find a way to relax be it meditation, yoga or tai chi or something similar.

To work - I've been on the brink of getting my business running fully for about three months now and it's finally time for me to set the wheels in motion. It will be a challenge but also enjoyable. Now that Aaron is settled at school, Marcus is settled and my mum is on the road to recovery I finally feel I can make it a priority.

I hope that having this all written here will keep me going as I try to break old habits and forge new ones.

I am truly thankful for 2012, there has been ups and downs, tears, laughter and love. May your New Years eve be wonderful and your 2013 be everything you want and more xx

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